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The Importance of Rest - in a Chaotic World

Writer's picture: Vickie TurleyVickie Turley

Last week, I blogged about embracing your age gracefully - whether you're in your 20's, 40's, 60's or beyond. By the way, I'm part of the beyond crowd! If you didn't get a chance to read it, here's the link for your convenience:  And while I believe that with all my heart, I failed to mention something - which was made quite evident this past weekend! We have to recognize and understand that we cannot be "on the go" 24/7.

It's been a crazy, busy summer! I've been able to spend time with the grandkids, visiting places we love, finding new places, going to the movies, and eating lots of good food. I've been able to cook quite a few dinners for my husband and try some new things, some of which he loved, some, not so much! I was privileged to attend my first SheSpeaks conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. I've reconnected with old friends and made new friends. I was able to vacation in Virginia with one of my sisters. I played mini golf, I discovered new restaurants (noticing a food theme here?) and I spent the day at an amusement park. But last weekend, I hit a brick wall! I ended up not feeling well, hardly able to move my body, and I missed church on Sunday and half a day of work on Monday. Why? Because this summer has been a summer of moving, going, doing, laughing, loving life, living to the fullest - and while it's all been amazing, I have taken very little time to truly rest! And that's where the trouble sneaks in for many of us.

Life is chaotic and we are trying to keep up. When summer comes along, it can become even worse, as we begin to plan and do all we can in a short period of time - that time between school being out and school being back in session. So we may add more and more to our plate - on top of already working, on top of already volunteering, on top of our bible studies, on top of attending worship, on top of cleaning the house, on top of ... (fill in the blank).

Rest in God

Friends, God did not create our bodies to sustain this pace! He created us with limitations, He created us to need rest, both for our physical and our spiritual strength. So for me, probably more than for you, I looked up some verses and wanted to share some insights from the bible about rest.

  • Psalm 23:2a "He makes me lie down in green pastures." We all know this verse, right? But do we really? Notice the word "makes." This isn't a suggestion, such as, "Hey, maybe you should lie down." This is an action word and as one of the commentaries I read mention, is something that God does for us, knowing that we don't always know what's good for us. Wow, I never read it like that! So our rest, if we don't take it ourselves, will be given to us by God. And maybe that's not going to look like what we expect - maybe it's me being exhausted and sick for two days.

  • Psalm 127:2 "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat - for while they sleep he provides for those he loves."  God is at work while we are sleeping. He is giving us the rest we need and He is preparing our new day. If we are too busy to get the rest we need, we risk missing out on some of God's greatest plans. Or maybe we are filled with worry and anxiety that we can't sleep. What good has any worry ever done us? We can rest peacefully, knowing that God is at work in and through us.

  • Genesis 2:2 "By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Our God, the Creator of the Universe, the Ruler of all, rested! Strong's Definitions define the word "rest" as used here as - "to repose, desist from exertion, cease, celebrate, leave, put away, still." God stopped creating. Everything He had made was perfect and complete and nothing else was needed. And one commentary I read said that He was pleased with His work. There are times when we too should stop and be still. Do we take the opportunity to look at what we've done and celebrate? Do we take the time to truly enjoy? I have to admit that I'm guilty of pressing on, doing more, and sometimes not taking the time to enjoy what's happening.

There are so many others, but I think you are getting my point. How can I rest in God, in peace, without worry, with joy and celebration, if I am constantly running from one thing to the other? In truth, I can't! My body will wear out, my mind will wear out, I will be grumbling and hurting, and I won't be full of the joyful life that God wants for me.

So my commitment today is to remember to rest! Even good things can become bad things if we don't follow God's plan for us.

How about you? Does any of this speak to you? I'd love to hear ways that keep you reminded of the importance of rest.

Until next time,


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