I'm a routine person. There, I've said it! I like my morning routine. It goes sort of like this:
I say a quick thank you to God for my sleep and ask for His presence during my day.
I take my medicines.
I fix my coffee and put my reading glasses and phone in the pocket of my robe.
I head outside (if possible), usually with a towel for the furniture, and watch the sun get higher in the sky, listen to the birds, watch the hummingbirds fight and begin my quiet time.
My quiet time every day is also a routine, which I begin by playing a game on my phone with my son. It's a tradition he started over a year ago. I'm sure when he told me about this game, he had no idea the impact it would make on me.
My sons are grown men with children of their own. They have their own lives, jobs, friends. That is good - it means they are independent and thriving.
But I do wish for young boys sometimes. I wish for cries of Mama, he ....... or Mama, I fell and hurt my .... or even, Mama, you make me so mad...
Playing this game daily has led to a new kind of relationship with one of my sons. We share our success - and failure - with the day's game results. I love getting his text first thing in the morning! But here's what else has happened because of this - he will call me sometimes while he's on the road to ask my advice or opinion about an issue. He texts me and tells me about something that happened that day. We have grown so much closer through this time; we've developed this new kind of relationship and we are able to discuss many things - even faith! And it all began by playing a game on my phone.
“Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 11:19 NIV
So if you are looking for ways to find new connections to your grown children, look outside the norms! What do they do in their "fun" time?
Do they play video games? Find out which one and try it!
Do they read? Find out what they are reading and try it!
Do they play a sport? Okay, according to age, maybe don't try this!😂 But you could find out some interesting facts about it.
The point is - find out their interests and find a way to become involved. You never know where it may lead!
Right after we texted our Wordle game results this morning, he sent me this picture!

Thank you, God, for this time with my son.