Wow, it's been awhile since I posted. I was on vacation last week and thought I might write some, but let's be honest, with the beauty of the ocean and being with family, it wasn't going to happen. But what's strange is, when I sat down this week and looked over the 10 drafts I have sitting here, nothing seemed to speak to me. So if it's not speaking to me, it's sure not going to speak to you! This morning, I was finally able to get back out on my deck. These mornings have been too cold and too wet so today was the first day I could sit out here again. And wow, did my creative juices start flowing!
I was thinking about how many times in the past two weeks that certain themes keep popping up - in sermons, in conversations, in bible studies. One of those themes is focus and reflections and that's what I want to talk about today.
I've heard it said, and I believe it's true, that our lives reflect what is important to us, it's where our focus lies. So what does my reflection look like? It's funny I ask that because I have to tell you, I don't like mirrors. I avoid them most days. If I do look in a mirror, it's to see if my makeup or my outfit looks good. Because if I look closely, I see the wrinkles, I see body parts sagging that aren't supposed to sag, I could go on and on but you get the picture. Thinking about my reflection gives me the creeps.

This brings me back to my reflection of my life - what do I see when I really look hard at myself? I see a person who ties a lot of worth to her busyness - her doing. I see someone who has trouble sitting and being still because she's feels she's not "worthy" if she isn't busy. I see someone who jumps from thing to thing, and says Yes to most things. I see someone who strives and strains to make a difference. And I see someone who isn't focused on the things that matter.
"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." Proverbs 27:19
At the end of my life, what reflections do I want to see? What I want to see is a woman who depends on God for all! What I want to see is a Mom who is willing to do anything to make sure her children feel loved. What I want to see is a wife who appreciates her husband every single day. What I want to see is a friend, a shoulder to lean on, a woman who is ready to come when a call comes in from someone who needs help. I want to see a Nana who loves her grandchildren unconditionally and is willing to tell them about what Jesus has done in her life. And I want to be unashamed to proclaim to the world that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
So how can I make these my reflections? I think it's a change of focus. I think it's a matter of looking in the mirror and instead of seeing all the flaws of a sinful, old woman, I try to see what Jesus sees in me. If I can remember to focus on Him, and remember that He chose me, I believe I will see a different reflection. I will see a reflection of love and compassion, empathy and understanding, a Christ-led woman, full of promise and vision.
Today, I am going to TRY to focus on God! I want to try and spend a full day looking to Him throughout my day. I want to see the good in people, I want to be full of joy, and I want to have my life reflect what is truly important. You will notice I said TODAY. One thing I am realizing is that we are only guaranteed right now, today. Tomorrow will worry about itself so today, I choose to focus on the things that matter.
So how about you? What reflection do you show to others in your life? Where is your focus? I invite you today to make one small change and see what happens. You never know, maybe the mirror will become your friend?