Today is our last blog in our series on sleep issues. I can't tell you how helpful the suggestions have been to me and I hope you've found them helpful also. We all want the best sleep quality possible, especially as we "season." If you've missed any in the series, go back and check them out - you won't be sorry!
I want to thank Cendrine Hosoda very much for her expertise in this area and for making this series possible. You're such a great influence in my life.

Have any of you ever said this? My husband told me recently that I've started snoring and, of course, my response was that I don't snore. I never have, ever! So what's with that? I do find that I'm spending more time on my back when I sleep, although I go to sleep on my side. So let's find out what is causing this and what can be done for it.
Is it normal for me to begin snoring at this age of life and are there things I can do to help stop snoring?
You're not alone! Snoring is pretty common, especially as we get older. It happens when the airflow is kind of restricted while we sleep, which makes those tissues in our nose vibrate and create that snoring sound. Sometimes it's just a little whistle, and other times, it's a full-on rumble!
Everyone snores now and then, but for some of us, it's more of a regular thing. And while it might not seem like a big deal, really loud or frequent snoring can sometimes hint at other health stuff going on.
There are a bunch of reasons why people snore. It could be because of something simple like a stuffy nose, or it might be linked to bigger things like sleep apnea, which is a bit more serious and might need some treatment. If it is sleep apnea, it would explain why you don't feel rested in the morning as well.
Things that can make you more likely to snore are:
Carrying some extra weight
Your sleep position (sleeping on your back can sometimes make it worse)
Changes in hormones, like during menopause
Any issues with your nose or mouth, like if you've got a deviated septum or big tonsils
Getting older

Now, if you're snoring like a freight train and having other sleep issues, like feeling tired all the time or waking up with a sore throat, it might be worth chatting with your doctor about it. They can figure out if there's anything more serious going on.
There are things you can try at home to help tone down the snoring, which I would try first, because the doctor is likely going to ask you if you’re already doing all these things before ordering more tests:
If you're carrying some extra pounds, shedding them can sometimes make a difference.
Cut back on the alcohol before bed (also, getting some food in the stomach before alcohol is consumed and earlier in the day, has less of an impact on sleep). Reducing or completely eliminating alcohol is a great investment in health for multiple reasons and even more so for anyone in the perimenopause/ menopause/post menopause camp.
Maybe try sleeping on your side instead of your back—it can sometimes help.
And, if it's still bugging you, there are these cool mouthguard thingies, or nose strips you can tape to your nose at night that can help too!
So yeah, snoring might be annoying, but it's usually nothing to freak out about. If it's really bothering you or affecting your sleep, though, it's worth getting checked out.
So what do you think, folks? I'd like to tell you some results that I've found from Cendrine's suggestions above:
My husband has been losing weight since he retired a few months back and his snoring is much better. He does wear a CPAP machine but before his weight loss, he still snored quite frequently. Now, I rarely hear him. Another thing I've noticed with his weight loss is that he doesn't get leg cramps like he used to do. So an extra bonus!
I do have a tendency to have a drink if I've had a rough day, and I do it right before bedtime. Not only do I notice that I snore more when I drink, but I don't sleep as well. And since I'm in the post menopause camp, this is something I definitely need to think about.
I have noticed that if I spend time with God before I fall asleep, whether that be in prayer or praise or singing or listening to worship songs, I sleep better. I am calmer, I am filled, and I sleep sounder. So it's always a good idea to end your day with our Father.
Joshua 1:9 says:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
James 1:17 says:
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Matthew 11:28 says:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Whatever you are struggling with that is affecting your sleep, there's a bible verse for that. Isn't God amazing?
Thank you all for joining us on this journey about sleep. If you've been encouraged, helped, uplifted or just educated, we'd love to hear from you in the comments.
I hope to do another series on health soon.
Until next time,
Cendrine and Vickie